The Regional Roads Australia Mobile Program (RRAMP) is a government initiative to improve multi-carrier mobile coverage on highways and major roads in regional and remote Australia.
Funding for the RRAMP is part of the Government's $1.1 billion Better Connectivity Plan for Regional and Rural Australia. For more information on the Better Connectivity Plan visit
Pilot Programs
The Australian Government is providing $50 million nationally to state and territory governments to deliver pilot programs to test innovative and novel solutions which increase mobile telecommunications coverage in their jurisdiction. The pilot programs also allow each state and territory to tailor solutions that meet their own needs and priorities.
The Hon Michelle Rowland MP, Minister for Communications, will announce funding to each state and territory to support pilot programs, with updates as announcements are made.
- On 3 September 2024, the Minister announced $8 million in funding to the Western Australian Government.
The pilot programs are testing new ways of:
- approaching the market to deliver solutions;
- identifying roads based on data, need and local priorities; and
- encouraging the market to identify new technology, power, backhaul and connectivity solutions.
Once delivered, the pilot programs will improve safety on our roads, strengthen economic growth, improve social connectivity and support regional development.
National Program
The pilot programs will inform the design and delivery of a scaled-up national program. Further information on the National RRAMP will become available in the coming months.
Regional Roads Australia Mobile Program
GPO Box 594
Canberra ACT 2601