Australia's fifth edition of its Aviation State Safety Programme (SSP) and the inaugural National Aviation Safety Plan (NASP), have been finalised following stakeholder consultation.
A summary of the issues raised by stakeholders during consultations and the aviation agencies response is also provided.
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) requires each member State to implement a SSP to demonstrate its aviation safety systems and framework, in addition to a NASP outlining planned national level improvements to address identified aviation safety risks and enhance safety.
The SSP and NASP represent Australia's response to the Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) and the Asia Pacific Regional Aviation Safety Plan (AP-RASP), and importantly fulfil Australia's commitment to Annex 19—Safety standards requirements under the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention).
The NASP will be reviewed on an annual basis, while the SSP will be reviewed every three years to align with the review and updating cycle of the GASP.