General Aviation

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) classifies General Aviation (GA) as covering a range of operations that are not commercial air transport services. This includes aerial work (such as agriculture, photography, surveying, search and rescue), instructional flying and recreational flying.

General Aviation Advisory Network

The General Aviation Advisory Network (GAAN) was announced by the Australian Government in October 2016 to provide advice to the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport on matters affecting the General Aviation (GA) sector.

The GAAN also operates as a forum where industry representatives can identify opportunities to work collaboratively to respond to pressures, trends and issues facing the GA sector; and make a positive contribution to assist in the development of GA policy.

The GAAN is comprised of fourteen members appointed by the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport Regional Development and Local Government for their skills, experience, expertise and representation of subsectors within the GA sector, their cultural diversity, and to ensure the representation of regional areas. Members represent subsectors including training, manufacturing, maintenance, sport and recreation, rotorcraft and fixed wing aircraft, aerial application, remotely piloted aircraft systems and medical operations.

Strategy for the Australian General Aviation Sector

In 2020, the General Aviation Advisory Network (GAAN) published its 'New Strategy for the Australian General Aviation Sector'.

The Strategy outlines the goals of the GAAN, which include:

  • deliver increasing economic, environmental and social benefits to citizens of Australia
  • achieve and maintain world standard levels of safety commensurate with sector risk
  • achieve and maintain economic growth within the General Aviation sector
  • build and develop resilience in the sector to ensure its future sustainability
  • be innovative and support innovation by others in technology, practices and operating models that support complementary strategic goals, and
  • work closely and collegiately with government, community and sector stakeholders to foster shared and collaborative safety regulation to support complementary strategic goals.