Annual Reports

Annual Report 2022–23

I am proud to present the fourth Annual Report for the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts. This year, we have worked hard to deliver across our diverse portfolio and have continued to connect Australians, enrich communities and empower our regions. The department is adaptive and informed, and upholds our values of respect and accountability in light of constant challenge and change. We work hard to get the job done in a collaborative and dynamic organisational culture that is committed to serving all Australians.

Our achievements in 2022–23 include establishing a Net Zero unit, which examines where we can advance the government's goal to achieve carbon-neutrality by 2030, and as well as commencing consultations on a National Urban Policy. We are also currently participating in a capability review pilot, aiming to embed a culture of continuous improvement across the Australian Public Service (APS) as part of a government-wide reform agenda. Its findings will lay the foundation for our future direction as we realise our core purpose within a positive internal culture. Complementing the review is our own Corporate Service Delivery program, which identifies the use of a service design approach in our corporate functions. We also launched the department's Cyber Security Strategy 2022–25, and published a Gender Analysis Hub. Both of these initiatives demonstrate our department's dedication to the APS reform agenda pillars through constant reflection and productive change.

Past Annual Reports

The annual reports below have been produced by the department under previous structures.

Earlier Annual Reports are available on Trove.